[fusebox_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/5e3aa627bb42e8-95594950/Titania-Jordan-Interview-BTW-Final.mp3" artist="Allison Hare - Bright This Way" title="Keeping Your Kids Internet Safe: Titania Jordan of Bark US" social_twitter="true" social_facebook="true" social_linkedin="true" social_pinterest="true" social_email="true" ]

Titania Jordan - CMO / Chief Parent Officer of Bark

Are you struggling to keep your kids screen time in check?

Quick Links:

Bark US App : 20% Off Discount Code: LITTLELEFTViral Medium Article - I am a 37-Year Old Mom - I Spent 7 Days Online as an 11 year Old Girl - Here's What I LearnedBark US | Bark InstagramParenting In a Tech World Facebook Group

Technology and Kids is a whole new ballgame:

Social media and phones have pioneered new terrain for parenting of which there is no roadmap.  

And as a parent, it keeps me up at night. I’m so afraid I’m going to screw this up. Do my kids have too much screen time? Is YouTube safe? When they get older, my kids are going to beg for a phone. Should I give them one? Their friends all have Tik Tok and Instagram accounts. Should I let my kids have one? They are exposed to Violence. Suicidal tendencies. Sexual predators. School shootings. Porn. Bullying and so much more. As if teenage years weren’t hard enough.

The big question is: Is my kid going to be okay??? Am i doing enough to protect them?

Today’s episode deals with a heavy topic but also a hopeful one.  I am talking to Titania Jordan, CMO and Chief Parent Officer of Bark Technologies.  Bark is a parental control monitoring app to help keep your kids safe. Bark has thwarted multiple school shootings, saved kids from suicide attempts, reported sexual predators, all using AI, algorithms, and provided guidance and alerts for parents. 

Bottom line: this could be one of the most important episodes I have ever done. I hope you listen, download the app and use discount code LITTLELEFT and share this episode far and wide. I’m not going to mince words here: It could save your kid’s life.
Any feedback or stories to share with me, please text me at 470.242.6311.  I will repeat, this information could save your kids’ life. 

Download Bark : Discount Code: LITTLELEFT for 20% off

I’d love to hear back from you. Text me at 470.242.6311 Subscribe to this podcast, SHARE, and find me everywhere at Allison’s Linktree.Allison Hare’s Blog: Sticky Notes Blog