On today’s episode, I sat down with Darrah Brustein. Darrah is a serial entrepreneur, author, and lifestyle designer based in Atlanta, GA. She has a collaborative video series with Deepak Chopra and her work is featured in Time Magazine, Entrepreneur, CNN, Forbes, Inc., and so many others. Seriously, I don’t have time to list all of her accolades. But what I am excited to share with you is that she is whip smart and has so many practical tips to help find and make a career of your dreams and get to know this fascinating lady who keeps rising.

If you want to learn more, please visit her links below.

Darrah Brustein - https://darrah.co/
Instagram |

Founder & CEO of Network Under 40
Co-Founder of Equitable Payments
Author of Finance Whiz Kids
Founder of the #GiveItForward Movement
Contributor to Forbes on Networking Done Right
Video series with Deepak Chopra!

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