I have a cousin named Jenny Laghi. She lives in northern Italy in the hills of Torino. Since we are a few weeks behind the spread of coronavirus, I was grateful she was willing to share her experience. She’s home with a 13 year old daughter and explains what life is like under lockdown. She also has a pretty amazing perspective and guidance on how to make the best out of such an unusual situation.

Nothing felt more important than to address the concerns around coronavirus this week.

I have a cousin named Jenny Laghi.  She lives in northern Italy in the hills of Torino.  Since we are a few weeks behind the spread of coronavirus, I was grateful she was willing to share her experience.  She’s home with a 13 year old daughter and explains what life is like under lockdown. She also has a pretty amazing perspective and guidance on how to make the best out of such an unusual situation.

Credible Sources to Keep you Informed (and not freaked):

CDC Twitter
World Health Organization Twitter

Tableau’s Free COVID-19 Nearly Real-Time Map

I’d love to hear back from you on 2 things (text me at 470.242.6311):

1) What are your bright sides and silver linings?

2) Do you want more coronavirus episodes or back to regular programming?

Find me everywhere at Allison’s Linktree.

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