EdYou is all about diving into education research on the topics that affect every teacher in today’s classrooms, to work out what it means and, most importantly, what it says we should actually be doing.

In the coming episodes you’ll see exactly what edYou is all about, but as you listen you might well be wondering… who exactly are we, the hosts, and why should you listen to edYou?

In this introductory episode you’ll learn all about who we are, our backgrounds, our educations, our interests, our careers, how all of that led  to us launching this podcast, and what you can get out of listening.

For more information about the research behind this episode, as well as links to our sources, and a downloadable quick reference, visit our website. To connect with us, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for free resources and to share what is happening in your classroom with colleagues around the world.

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