Mal Peet is widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest British writers alive. His books have won many awards, and reviews range from the merely enthusiastic to the ecstatic.

A deeply creative writer, Mal joins us tonight to chat about the writing process, tar-grouted macadam, nano-drones and Tolkienism.

Oh, and also his newly publishing book, THE MURDSTONE TRILOGY… which isn’t a trilogy at all.

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Is there a formula for writing the next George “Rolls Royce” Martin swords-and-sorcery, high-fantasy epic troll opera? Mal says yes… and what’s more, he generously shares it with us.

From the Greme Caves of Devon to the unspeakable trolls lurking near Sydney’s Opera House, by way of Norfolk (not pronounced the way it looks) – you’re in for a rollicking, high-octane evening!


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