Ian’s guests tonight are Daisy Eris Campbell and Jon Higgs who are bringing Robert Anton Wilson’s cult classic The Cosmic Trigger, The Final Secret of the Illuminati to the stage.


Impossible?  Well, when you consider that this nonfiction and partly autobiographical work covers, amongst many other topics... Freemasons, Discordianism, Sufism, the Illuminati, Futurology, Zen Buddhism, Dennis and Terence McKenna, Jack Parsons, the occult practices of Aleister Crowley and G.I. Gurdjieff, Yoga, and many other esoteric or counterculture philosophies... yes, you might well conclude that it’s un-stageable.

Where other producers see problems, Daisy sees... a four-hour epic.  Listen to her long, strange but oh-so-necessary journey leading to The Cosmic Trigger.

And buy tickets for the London show – on now – here.


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