Exam 60


This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš!











the woman lives in Lithuania                          

moteris gyvena Lietuvoje


the daughter lives in Lithuania                       

duktė gyvena Lietuvoje


the sister lives in Lithuania                              

sesuo gyvena Lietuvoje


the women live in Vilnius                                

moterys gyvena Vilniuje


the daughters live in Vilnius                            

dukterys gyvena Vilniuje


the sisters live in Vilnius                                    

seserys gyvena Vilniuje


the woman’s name is Sonata                              

moters vardas yra Sonata


the daughter’s name is Sonata                          

dukters vardas yra Sonata


the sister’s name is Sonata                                 

sesers vardas yra Sonata


the womens’ family is here                               

moterų šeima yra čia


the daughters’ family is here                            

dukterų šeima yra čia


the sisters’ family is here                                  

seserų šeima yra čia


Valdas has a woman                                          

Valdas turi moterį


Valdas has a daughter                                        

Valdas turi dukterį


Valdas has a sister                                               

Valdas turi seserį


I look at the women                                           

žiūriu į moteris


I look at the daughters                                      

žiūriu į dukteris


I look at the sisters                                             

žiūriu į seseris


I have a daughter                                                 

aš turiu dukterį


I have a sister                                                       

aš turiu seserį


I have a woman                                                    

aš turiu moterį


Romas has two daughters                                  

Romas turi dvi dukteris


Romas has two sisters                                         

Romas turi dvi seseris


Romas has two women                                       

Romas turi dvi moteris


I have two daughters                                           

aš turiu dvi dukteris


I have two sisters                                                  

aš turiu dvi seseris


I have two women                                               

aš turiu dvi moteris


Romas has a daughter                                       

Romas turi dukterį


Romas has a sister                                               

Romas turi seserį


Romas has a woman                                            

Romas turi moterį


why is the man kissing the woman?                

kodėl vyras bučiuoja moterį?


respect the woman!                                              

gerbkite moterį!


Romualdas wants to have a beautiful woman 

Romualdas nori turėti gražią moterį


Stanislovas understands the woman               

Stanislovas supranta moterį