On today’s episode I talk with my recent client, Chelsea Riffe, about healing her anxious attachment style. We talk about her journey to secure attachment where she is now practicing understanding and meeting her needs on a daily basis. We cover so many topics including how to approach fear of rejection, ending relationships that aren’t the right fit quicker, overcoming the feeling of being too much, scripts for having hard conversations, sharing expectations in situationships and casual relationships, what to do when you think people are out of your league, and how to get over your ex faster. Chelsea shares honestly and vulnerably how to heal this attachment style. I hope this episode helps you on your journey to secure.

I help folks that are struggling with people pleasing to show up confidently and vulnerably in relationships. Book a free discovery call to see if this 1:1 coaching program is the right fit for you. 

Visit Chelsea’s website: www.chelseariffe.com | Mic Drop, The Ultimate Podcast | Launch Course | 1:1 Coaching

Listen to Chelsea’s podcast: In My Non-Expert Opinion - Spotify

Follow Lit AF on Instagram: @itsmesarahcohan.com

Visit the Lit AF Website: https://www.sarahcohan.com/

Resources Discussed:

Chelsea Riffe on Lit AF podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/65-manifesting-an-eat-pray-love-adventure-with/id1515162031?i=1000541337105