Amy Gorce is the President of Clareity, the leading provider of security products and single sign-on services for the real estate industry. Their innovative products service over 850,000 agents daily and directly serve the majority of MLSs, associations and brokerages across North America.

Gorce entered the real estate industry in 1997 when she was hired by Intermountain MLS because of her experience in getting systems online. During her stint there, Gorce grew the organization from 2000 to 5000 members and tripled the listing data coverage area. As CEO, she received the Idaho Association of REALTORS Presidential Award for contributions in MLS leadership and technology.

In 2004, Gorce was approached to join the team pioneering data security company Clareity, and she transitioned to the vendor side of real estate technology. Her initial position with the company was as COO, then she moved to Executive VP before becoming President in early 2016. In her current role, Gorce works to design a vision for Clareity built on strategic thinking about the future of the company and the real estate industry in general. On this episode of the podcast, she outlines upcoming Clareity workshops and discusses industry issues from API integration to permissioning. Listen and learn what Clareity offers agents and brokerages and the company’s role in real estate tech moving forward.


What’s Discussed: 


The agenda for Clareity’s upcoming MLS Executive Workshop in Scottsdale

Controversial Customer Satisfaction Survey

The consolidation of brands within Clareity

The intention of the Clareity Developer’s Workshop

Develop thought leadership around APIs and integration Foster collaboration among cooperative competitors

Gorce’s career

Intermountain MLS Clareity Security

Gorce’s role as President of Clareity

The value proposition of Clareity for agents

Security – assuring subscribers are legitimate Dashboard products Highly customized notification system

Gorce’s take on the permissioning process

How traditional vendors might evolve as new apps drive traffic away

Levels of access model




Clareity Developer’s Workshop


Connect with Amy Gorce:


Clareity Website