Is it possible to be responsible and not take the blame, at the same time? What is the difference between blame and responsibility? How does fault and intention play into the difference, if there is any?

These are more will be discussed this month. 

I am Dr. Arlette. I am your INNER Life Coach. I train your everyday thoughts to UNcover your Greatness, everyday.

ARKism: Acts of Random Kindness-ism. A kind approach to life designed to guide you to UNcover your Greatness=Your own kindness, happiness within & wisdom. 

Be the kindness you want to see in the world. Start here and practice self-kindness as the foundation for outward kindness.

Kindness requires action and courage. It is the best of and in you. Are you ready to be your best, Great Self?! 

Listen and gain tools, hear stories and share with others.