What's in your Kindness Journal? 

Kindness requires action. It is like the action of breathing ... it is natural and available to us all, all the time.

How to UNcover your kindest and best self? Answer: What is my opportunity for greater care and connection for self and others, right now? 

Use ARKism. Join the growing international ARKist community and keep a Kindness Journal - Kindness given & received. Three each. Every day. For 30 consecutive days. 

What's in your Kindness Journal today?

Kindness will melterate the awfulizing - Kindness willl motivate you to seek, find, and act on your opportunities for greater care and connection, every day. 

Dr. Arlette. Your INner Life Coach. I train your everyday thougthts to UNcover your Greatness (kindest & best self), every day.

BE the kindness you want to see in the world.