Evan Gentry Money 360 Commercial Real Estate Lender Show 068

Money360 is a direct lender online marketplace for commercial real estate loans. Money360 enables borrowers to directly access affordable commercial real estate loans through an innovative online lending platform, eliminating the overhead and processing costs associated with traditional banking models. Loans are funded by banks, insurance...

Money360 is transforming commercial real estate finance with its fast, transparent and reliable platform for borrowers and investors. Money360 is a nationwide, tech-enabled direct lender that offers borrowers speed, convenience and reasonable terms on commercial real estate loans from $1 million to $20 million. The company also provides investors direct access to attractive fixed income investments secured with a first-priority lien against income-producing commercial real estate. Money360's investment management company, M360 Advisors, LLC, manages diversified fund vehicles on behalf of investors. Borrowers and lenders (investors) can register at www.money360.com.