Kelly A Brown had a big dream that became a goal to start and found her own bank: First Wisconsin Bank. She sold the bank at the end of 2008 for a premium and started a treasury management firm that manages over $3.5 billion in assets with a network of over 700 financial institutions as partners as the CEO & Managing Partner of American Deposit Management Co.  (ADM). Kelly is a born leader and naturally builds relationships because she genuinely is curious about people is real and has emotional intelligence.

ADM was started in 2009 during the worst financial service economic downturn.  American Deposit is a treasury management firm that specializes in settlement administration and public fund administration.  The idea was expanded upon and created trust to now manage over $3.5 billion in money.  The riches are in the niches as Kelly was able to execute on the business idea during a downturn in the market.

With more than $3.5 billion of assets managed and relationships with over 700 financial institutions, under Kelly’s leadership,

We also talk about raising capital for a de novo bank,  how to build a network of partners, investors, and customers.

Kelly has relationship expertise in the building sales and sales teams in the financial services industry.  It is her ability to relate to others with emotional intelligence and a real and genuine curiosity for people and wanted to help others.

Her emotional intelligence allows her to connect with her team, customers and other centers of influence.

Governor Scott Walker appointed Kelly in January 2014 to the Wisconsin Chiropractic Examining Board.  How she met the Governor shows off her friendly dynamic personality as a true winner.

The importance of being trustworthy to establish critical relationships, having the right team with a winning attitude.  Importance of picking the right people with different experiences, hire people that I not like you.  Next step is the ability to scale the business with the right people.  You must raise your hand and say here I am I can do it.

We go deep into several critical stories that helped shaped Kelly in life:

Growing up and her parents influence.

How a bank teller a personal banker changed her life.  How one person can make a difference.  Great work ethic paid off the debt and do that for others.  Building self-confidence.  Applied to a bank with no experience, banking can be taught bring to leadership born within four months promoted then emerged in ran branches, finished college nothing I can't do and mentors others about that.

We talk about her dream of starting her own bank.

The ADM company that she runs manages the money for national law suit recovery money for class actions and mass tort money.

Spread deposits between and among various banks to stay within the FDIC limits.

Learned how to get out of debt and deal with her finances.

We heard the story of being a winner of life.  Kelly learned about how to deal with her debt and got her finances in order.