My friend Chandler Rogers (New York City RM, Married, Age 24, BYU Grad) bravely shares his journey with overcoming pornography. Chandler talks about how it came into his life about 10 years ago, opening us to his Bishop and his Mother, leaving on his mission but still having slip-ups and opening up to his mission president, finishing his successful mission, coming home and opening up to his future wife Jade, how they navigated that reality and getting married.

Chandler talks about the new app, Relay, he developed to help others working to solve unwanted porn use. The app makes it easy to form a strong support system and find healthy accountability and deeper connection for healing. You learn more about it at

If you are working to end porn use or want to help others, please listen to this podcast. It will give you new insights and tools. And if you are trying to figure out how/when to open up to your significant other about your porn use, please listen to this podcast. Chandler's insights will help you.

Thank you, Chandler, for being on the podcast and your courage to be honest, real, vulnerable—and help us understand how the Savior feels about us and will help us. Respect. Your story gives hope to others.

And please check out the Relay App at

**Check out my new book that has a chapter (chapter 4) about solving pornography: **