My friend Jonathan Decker (active LDS, married father of 5, licensed marriage and family therapist) joins us to share his testimony which includes how he handles complicated aspects of church history and challenging current issues. It is beautiful testimony that includes the realities of difficult issues in our Church.

I became aware of Jonathan when I read this testimony that was shared broadly on social media and asked him to be on the podcast. Here is a link to that testimony:

If you are in a faith crisis, trying to reconcile complicated issues, or helping others; please read Jonathan’s testimony and listen to this podcast. It will help you. For some, it might be the sustainable framework to remain in the Church—and I’ve learned that many in a faith crisis do want to find an authentic way to stay in the Church.

You can read Jonathan's "Ask a Latter-day Saint Therapist" articles for LDS Living here:

You can also check out Jonathan's YouTube channels mentioned in the podcast:
Cinema Therapy -
Mended Light -
Personal channel with Jonathan's performances for BYU's Divine Comedy -

Thank you, Jonathan, for being on the podcast. I was deeply moved listening to you and your insights into better living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I encourage everyone to listen to this podcast and read/share it along with your Facebook post.

** Please Check Out My Two Books At **

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** Want to develop church-supported LGBTQ activities in your local area? Please join our FB group below **