My friend Taylor Kerby (active LDS, Two Masters Degrees, PhD candidate) talks about his new book called “Scrupulous: My Obsessive Compulsion for God” which is at Amazon (

In the podcast Taylor bravely talks about his own journey with Scrupulosity discussing what it is, how it put him in a difficult place, and what he did to overcome it.

Taylor, who has a Masters Degree in Religion from Clairmont, goes further to talk about what we can do to help more Latter-days Saints feel at home, create Zions, and feel good enough in our congregations—and what we can do to better create Zions. I was deeply moved by Taylor’s insights into our restored doctrine and Christ’s teachings—and how to apply those in our own lives and the loves of others to bring hope and healing.

I encourage everyone to listen to the podcast and read Taylor’s book. Taylor has wonderful and helping insights. I learned much listening to him.