Episode 492: Ginger Price, Resigned from Church, Positive Experience Sharing Her Journey with Stake Presidency/Bishops

My friend Ginger McKnight Price (married mother of four, RM) shares her journey with serving a mission (good experience) and then the events that led her to resign from the Church in 2018. Ginger is open, vulnerable and honest.

She is not asking others to leave or not believe in the Church but shares the pain of having her faith shift and losing her community and a sense of belonging.

Ginger talks about a social media post of an active Latter-day Saint saying kind things about those who leave the church that led to a friendship of understanding. Ginger then moved to from Alaska to Utah and was surprised to learn she was moving into the stake boundaries of this Latter-day Saint, Ed Hegemann who is serving as Stake President and is the Utah State Institute Director.

President Heggeman invited Ginger to share her experience with the entire Stake Presidency and 8 Bishops. Ginger later wrote: “For the first time in twenty years, my perception of Mormon men shifted for the better. As I shared my story and answered questions, I felt nothing but a strong sense of love and genuine interest in how these men could do better at loving and treating others who are, or have experienced, a loss of belief in Mormonism.” She adds “I hoped for, but wasn’t quite sure just how cathartic and healing this hour and a half experience would be. The cleansing that come was absolutely purifying”.

See Ginger’s post on this experience here: https://www.facebook.com/ginger.mcknightprice/posts/10160234772359575

Thank you President Hegmann for your leadership, ability to listen, and making this healing experience possible.

Thank you Ginger for being on the podcast and having the courage to share your experience. Your story helps Church members better minister to those with questions about their faith or step away from the Church. You are strong, honest, vulnerable and have a great heart full of love and grace. You continue to make the world a better place and help bring us together as the same human family.