My friend Wes Haws shares his story. Wes talks about coming out as gay after serving a mission to his future wife. They decided to get married and that marriage lasted 11 years. During these years, Wes survived a brutal attached in Ethiopia which resulted in difficult health and financial challenges. Wes rebuilt his career and now owns Blue Zoon ( Wes also talks about finding a way to move forward and the work he has done (including therapy) to accept and love himself.

Wes talks about how/why his married ended and his subsequent excommunication (positive and loving experience for Wes). Wes talks about his hopes for the future and his respect and support for all path that LGBTQ Latter-day Saints take. Wes also talks about being your best personal self before deciding the best path if you are LGBTQ and LDS.

Thank you for being on the podcast Wes. I think it helps LGBTQ Latter-day Saints to hear a variety of stories. I invite each LGBTQ Latter-day Saint to write their own story—and hearing a variety of stories provides principles and insights to better write your story.

You are a good man Wes doing your best on a complicated road. Thanks for sharing your story. It helps bring us together as the same human family.