My friend Meghan Decker(from High School) shares her story as a gay Latter-day Saint. Meghan and her husband David are the parents of 5 daughters and 15 grandchildren. Meghan is active in the Church and is a wonderful marriage.

Meghan shares her journey to come out to herself and then her husband and family in her 50’s. Meghan talks about how coming out reduced shame, helped her be authentic and improved her emotional health.

Meghan shares how her marriage works, why she decided to come out, her family response, and her relationship with the Church.

Meghan wrote Reaching for Hope: An LDS Perspective on Recovering from Depression 22 years ago. She is releasing a new book in April 2022 called Tender Leaves of Hope: Finding Belonging as LGBTQ Latter-day Saint Women, which shares her experience as a gay women in the Church and also includes insights from 40 other gay or bisexual LDS women. You can find her website at

Meghan's story is unique because of her long-view of so many aspects of being LDS and LGBTQ, including being grounded in her relationship with her Heavenly Father and the Savior.

If you are LGBTQ, Meghan’s insights will help you. If you are looking to be a better LDS parent or local leader, Meghan’s insights and observation will help you. I encourage everyone to listen to and share this podcast. Also, check out Megan’s insightful talk at the North Star Fireside on "Peace in Christ"

Thank you Meghan for being on the podcast. Your work is helping so many. Honored to call you friend.

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Deseret Book:


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