Tonight we had the pleasure of interviewing a dynamic vegan power couple. Dustin and Raven are active members in our local Columbus Veg Community and super fit. If you've been at any local vegan or community festivals you've prob seen Dustin carving wood or ices sculptures. Below are some dates and links to their resources and upcoming dates in Columbus Ohio.

9/26 Grandview @ 850 First Ave. at the yard. Pumpkin carving from 530-730 

9/27 New Albany High School Pumpkin carving from 4:30-8:30

9/28 New Albany High School pumpkin carving from 12-2pm 

9/28 Grandview Hop ice carving and Halloween themed animatronics from 5-9pm

10/25 Worthington Community Center Pumpkin Carving 630-830