Previous Episode: LL 406 "We Got The Meats"
Next Episode: LL 408 "Confessions"

          We start with an OOOOO WEEEE review that will blow your doors off. Growing, the pax, new weed sponsors, and the problem with gelato. The Writer's Strike of 2007 left a bad taste in Brandon's mouth, so they discussed this one from both sides. Haircut books in the 90s were a white thing. Air is a continuation of Americana in film and more spoilers about the film. We had fun and if you did leave a review and tell a friend.

          We start with an OOOOO WEEEE review that will blow your doors off. Growing, the pax, new weed sponsors, and the problem with gelato. The Writer's Strike of 2007 left a bad taste in Brandon's mouth, so they discussed this one from both sides. Haircut books in the 90s were a white thing. Air is a continuation of Americana in film and more spoilers about the film. We had fun and if you did leave a review and tell a friend.