Dr Gabriel Cousens is a world expert on spiritual nutrition, live-food veganism and a global pioneer in the raw food movement. 

In this episode,  Dr Cousens delivers a passionate and deeply personal message about his principles for wellness, leading an enlightened life, and how the foundations for a better physical and spiritual life, come through the foods we eat, a quiet mind and our connection to the sacred.

I particularly love this perspective from Dr Cousens: "We are born original and we die a copy".

Thats is of course if we don't wake up! The current shift, or call to awaken is simply a return to our true nature, our original selves.

Dr Cousens is a dedicated and much loved holistic physician, homeopath, psychiatrist, family therapist, Ayurvedic practitioner and Chinese herbalist, along with being a leading diabetes researcher, ecological authority and spiritual master. 

A leading medical authority in the world of live-food nutrition, Dr. Cousens speaks of how living foods, and plant based food can offer a transformation on a DNA and spiritual level.