LINUX Unplugged artwork

LINUX Unplugged

564 episodes - English - Latest episode: 7 days ago - ★★★★★ - 252 ratings

An open show powered by community LINUX Unplugged takes the best attributes of open collaboration and turns it into a weekly show about Linux.

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Episode 114: KDE Connect All the Things | LUP 114

October 14, 2015 04:04 - 1 hour - 46.9 MB

We take a look at some of the coolest technologies coming out of the Plasma desktop & finally a open source router you and your family can use. Then we share some of our favorite ncurses terminal based applications, you might just be surprised at how modern these terminal apps are!

Episode 113: Kernel of Truth | LUP 113

October 07, 2015 01:37 - 1 hour - 36.5 MB

Performance tips for keeping your Linux install running like new, some basic tricks & some advanced tips. Why Microsoft’s new Surface Book might be able to run Linux & we reflect on the larger issues behind the recent public exits from the Linux Kernel development team & more!

Episode 112: Open Source Power Outlets | LUP 112

September 30, 2015 17:27 - 1 hour - 49.4 MB

Noah hosts again while Chris is in the land of no service, also known as Utah! We talk about LibreOffice, Ubuntu's new Setup wizard, OpenSUSE's leap & more!

Episode 111: Completely Unplugged | LUP 111

September 23, 2015 18:38 - 1 hour - 41.9 MB

A special edition of the Unplugged show, Chris joins the Virtual LUG from the road & Noah and Wes host the show. They compare and contrast Fedora and Arch & the nice new features of Fedora 23. Then everyone has their own perspective on home automation, from security to convenience. We have a great discussion about the broader ramifications of home automation. Then we wrap it all up with some closing thoughts on using Linux & open source to live offline, like you're online.

Episode 110: Return of the Localhost | LUP 110

September 17, 2015 01:38 - 59 minutes - 27.6 MB

We cover some great open source projects that help you live life off-line, as if you were online. We also discuss the upstream contributions from Munich & an awesome block level back up system. Plus some great feedback, a road trip update & more!

Episode 109: Who Will Build The Builders | LUP 109

September 09, 2015 01:03 - 1 hour - 30.4 MB

Debian aims for reproducible builds of all packages. We’ll explain what that means & why other distributions might be jumping onboard with the idea. Plus impressive early performance results under Mir & Gnome’s 3.18’s best features you're not hearing about.

Episode 108: Insecurity by Design | LUP 108

September 02, 2015 00:30 - 1 hour - 31.2 MB

Top law enforcement officials in the US want backdoors in all encryption systems. What would the ramifications to open source around the world be if this became law of the land in the US? Details on the upcoming road show, Kubuntu's new look, saying goodbye to an old friend & some Go powered retro feedback.

Episode 107: Freedom Isn't Free | LUP 107

August 26, 2015 02:42 - 1 hour - 52.5 MB

We celebrate the 24th birthday of Linux by looking back to it’s early days, discuss the new SSD optimized Linux file system, the rather normal things Linux is doing on Mainframes & how the community at large reacts to crowdfunding. Plus some great follow up, some great discussion & much more!

Episode 106: Connecting the Docks | LUP 106

August 19, 2015 14:52 - 56 minutes - 26.2 MB

Live from the floor of LinuxCon 2015 we capture Bruce Schneier’s take on hacking attribution, how HP enthusiastically supports Linux internally & our impressions of the big convention. Plus how Docker is going big this year & which type of Linux event is right for you.

Episode 105: Vulkan the Metal Slayer | LUP 105

August 12, 2015 02:21 - 1 hour - 35.6 MB

We chat with the chief technology officer behind Mycroft, an open source artificial intelligence for everyone. Then discuss Android’s adoption of Vulkan and the major impact it could have on desktop Linux & the nice new Linux exclusive features coming to Firefox. Plus we revisit file syncing under Linux & discuss the really great options that have cropped up recently.

Episode 104: Miles of WiFi | LUP 104

August 06, 2015 03:27 - 1 hour - 44.3 MB

Ubuntu publishes their roadmap for the next few releases & we discuss what the future might hold for “Ubuntu Personal”. Plus the major challenges Linux gaming is facing. Then we’ve got insights from the experts on building robust wifi for your home, enterprise or even large events… Powered by Linux!

Episode 103: OSCON Secret Sauce | LUP 103

July 29, 2015 01:55 - 1 hour - 44.5 MB

Great interviews from the floor of OSCON 2015! How FastMail uses Linux, managing thousands of Apache instances, an open source Slack killer, Tizen on all the things & much more. Plus why the Ubuntu MATE project is dropping the Ubuntu Software, their replacement, the vLUG’s thoughts on Plasma Mobile, a Skunkworks project straight out of Las Vegas & more!

Episode 102: Canonical, Dell & AMD Games | LUP 102

July 21, 2015 03:31 - 1 hour - 42.8 MB

Noah joins us in studio for a fun edition of Unplugged! Updates are landing on Ubuntu Phones, the ridiculous work around for a major performance boost on AMD cards, the real problem with Dell’s latest Ubuntu laptops & more!

Episode 101: Will Flash Be Trashed? | LUP 101

July 15, 2015 02:01 - 1 hour - 47.9 MB

A renewed push to kill flash hits the web & we discuss the possible advantages for Linux users. A KDE user trying out Gnome for a week & the real issues he touches on. Plus your take on openSUSE’s big changes & follow up to our take on it.

Episode 100: Still Minty Fresh | LUP 100

July 08, 2015 00:24 - 56 minutes - 26.2 MB

We reflect on 100 episodes of LINUX Unplugged, the themes from episodes past & then review Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon edition. Then we’ll discuss an exciting new form factor for x86 based Ubuntu PCs & the exciting use cases for them.

Episode 99: Finger on the Pulse of Video | LUP 99

July 01, 2015 02:06 - 1 hour - 46.7 MB

Will Pinos bring to Linux Video What PulseAudio did for audio? We discuss this major development that breaks during the show. Also, a great discussion about the new Linux Mint release that leads to a heated debate about the long-term usefulness of boring distributions & why we Linux advocates might think they are more useful than they truly are. Plus some big follow up, the Mumble room gets unplugged & much more!

Episode 98: Not OK Google | LUP 98

June 24, 2015 02:35 - 1 hour - 40.4 MB

We look at some tools that make installing Linux on multiple computers a snap, discuss our favorite backup and reload approaches & then debate the merits of Chromium auto-downloading a binary to enable users microphones. Plus a great interview with the Openoid project from SELF2015 & more!

Episode 97: Better Open Source Options | LUP 97

June 17, 2015 04:58 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

What makes the Linux awesome? Community. This week we’ve got exclusive clips from SouthEast LinuxFest 2015 & an on the ground report from OpenTech 2015. Plus why open source needs to follow the Apple model and get started with students, creating value around open source & how Red Hat stays connected to the community.

Episode 96: Fedora's Bright Future | LUP 96

June 10, 2015 01:36 - 1 hour - 30.7 MB

The Fedora Project Lead Matthew Miller joins us to discuss what’s coming up in Fedora 23 & reflect on Fedora 22. Plus Mark Shuttleworth unveils another device running Ubuntu, Angela stops by with a switch to Linux update, some quick story updates & more!

Episode 95: Disjunctive Normal Fedora | LUP 95

June 02, 2015 00:08 - 1 hour - 50 MB

A follow up on our Fedora 22 review, including a few areas we missed. How Google’s Cardboard could kickstart open source VR & new features coming to Gnome 3.18. Plus our take on the state of openSUSE, why 2015 might really be the year of the Linux Laptop & much, much more!

Episode 94: 11 Years of Linux Benchmarking | LUP 94

May 27, 2015 02:09 - 1 hour - 44.5 MB

Michael Larabel joins us to discuss his initiative of daily automated performance benchmarking of some of the world's most important open source projects & reflects on 11 years of running Plus our first take on Fedora 22 & how we resolved some rough edges, the best new options for new users that require Microsoft Office under Linux & more!

Episode 93: Rollback Romanticism | LUP 93

May 20, 2015 01:32 - 1 hour - 42.7 MB

After an Ubuntu update goes really bad Chris reflects on how snappy, a transactionally updated version of Ubuntu, could have avoided this problem. Plus a review of the System76 Meerkat PC, Russia plans to fork Sailfish OS & more!

Episode 92: Linux Wife, Happy Life. | LUP 92

May 13, 2015 03:26 - 1 hour - 33.4 MB

We get an update on our resident Mac users switch to Linux & the challenges she's run into. Ubuntu makes a deal with Microsoft and promises to ship snappy on the Internet of Things, but what the heck is a Snap package? And is it truly a transactional system? Plus hints on how Debian PPAs might work, the world's first $9 Linux rig & much more!

Episode 91: Open Source Kollaboration | LUP 91

May 06, 2015 01:30 - 1 hour - 43.6 MB

Aaron Seigo joins us to discuss the Kolab project, open source’s genuine answer to Microsoft Exchange and other groupware solutions. We also discuss the Roundcube project’s fundraiser & possible integration with Kolab. Plus our Virtual LUG reviews Ubuntu 15.04, and we discuss what’s so desktop focused about Ubuntu 15.10 & much, much more!

Episode 90: How The Fest Was Fun | LUP 90

April 29, 2015 03:21 - 1 hour - 41.8 MB

Exclusive interviews from the floor of LinuxFest Northwest 2015, meet the man who brought Netflix to Linux & changed the WINE project forever, how Intel builds the MinnowBoard for Linux, the state of ZFS on Linux & how we had so much fun it just might be illegal. Plus a quick look at the new KDE Plasma update, Telegram’s surprising popularity & more!

Episode 89: Oh Deere, RMS was Right | LUP 89

April 22, 2015 02:30 - 1 hour - 34.8 MB

Manufactures claims software integrated with hardware means the end user never truly owns the device, and simply owns a license to use it. Our panel discusses the real world ramifications of this. Plus MacBook Linux woes, the quick look at the ThinkPad Yoga 3 running Linux, the biggest systemd myth busted & more!

Episode 88: Churning Over Btrfs | LUP 88

April 15, 2015 03:09 - 1 hour - 43.5 MB

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Episode 87: btrfs Meltdown | LUP 87

April 08, 2015 02:01 - 1 hour - 42.1 MB

After yet another gotcha takes down a critical Linux workstation, is it officially time to consider avoiding btrfs when it matters? Plus what happened to the Evolve OS project & why they are now called Solus.

Episode 86: Evolve Your OS | LUP 86

April 01, 2015 01:15 - 1 hour - 35.5 MB

The proprietor of Evolve OS stops by to discuss what makes Evolve OS a unique Linux desktop & the challenges smaller projects face getting coverage and attention. Plus a look at tiny powerful Linux hardware gadget that we think might be worth backing, a debate about “the look” of Linux apps & more!

Episode 85: Give the Kids Linux | LUP 85

March 25, 2015 01:29 - 1 hour - 34.1 MB

Will Secure Boot hamper boutique Linux distributions and hurt desktop Linux innovation? Our panel debates. Also getting started with Linux the right way. Plus a recap of the first ever Kansas Linux Fest, our errata, your feedback & more!

Episode 84: On the Verge of Convergence | LUP 84

March 18, 2015 01:40 - 1 hour - 32.8 MB

We get the scoop on how Ubuntu Touch plans to tackle Android’s market share & the challenges involved in moving some of our favorite desktop Linux apps to Ubuntu touch. Plus what makes the perfect laptop for our crew, why the future of Btrfs looks very bright & an Ubuntu MATE Update.

Episode 83: Numixing Fedora | LUP 83

March 11, 2015 02:47 - 1 hour - 36.4 MB

Ozon OS promises to make Fedora approachable for the rest of us, Ubuntu makes the switch to systemd & then we’ll debate the likely effectiveness of the new Linux Kernel development “Code of Conflict”. Plus feedback, story updates & more!

Episode 82: Ubuntu MATE Gets Legit | LUP 82

March 04, 2015 03:44 - 1 hour - 47.1 MB

We round out our SCALE13x coverage with a few more exclusive interviews, then get an update on the fast growing Ubuntu MATE project. Plus a look back at Gnome 1.0’s release, Firefox OS on a pocket watch, the great wearable debate & much more!

Episode 81: Unplugging the Past | LUP 81

February 24, 2015 15:03 - 1 hour - 40.5 MB

Join us as we peer into the past and revisit some big topics!

Episode 80: ARMed with Arch | LUP 80

February 18, 2015 02:15 - 1 hour - 30.4 MB

One of the core developers of Arch Linux ARM joins us to chat about this rapidly developing platform, how Arch is used in ARM deployments & their relationship with the main Arch project. Plus an update on Ubuntu Phone & the first fully sandboxed portable Linux desktop app is demoed this week. How is it different than what we’ve seen before? And how far away might it be? We debate.

Episode 79: Ubuntu Calling | LUP 79

February 11, 2015 02:00 - 1 hour - 34.8 MB

The first Ubuntu phone goes on sale tomorrow & we ask all the interesting questions you might have been wondering. The details on the launch of the phone, some of the great apps & what’s still missing. Plus the new Raspberry Pi hates being flashed & we read a quick batch of great emails.

Episode 78: Straight Outta FOSDEM | LUP 78

February 04, 2015 02:37 - 1 hour - 30.4 MB

FOSDEM just wrapped up, where thousands of developers & enthusiasts of free & open source software gather to talk all things Linux. Plus we drool over the new Raspberry Pi 2 & ask if B+ buyers got a little screwed.

Episode 77: Vivaldi, The Fourth Browser | LUP 77

January 28, 2015 01:43 - 1 hour - 29.1 MB

A new browser called Vivaldi is on the scene with Linux support out of the box. Our virtual lug makes the case why it might be worth giving a try! Plus a quick Linux laptop update, a surprise for Matt, your feedback & more!

Episode 76: Building a Better Gnome | LUP 76

January 21, 2015 03:14 - 59 minutes - 27.4 MB

Christian Hergert the creator of Gnome Builder joins us to discuss his projects funding campaign, quitting his full time job to work on open source & answering a major concern of developers looking to target Linux. Ubuntu announces their Internet of Things OS, we’re a bit skeptical & Linus takes a firm stance on public disclosure of vulnerabilities and Kernel documentation.

Episode 75: Obviously Linux's Fault | LUP 75

January 14, 2015 04:40 - 1 hour - 33.3 MB

It’s a new year & a new round of Linux bashing. But are some of the criticism corrects? Can we handle a little tough love as a community for the collective good? We debate. Plus the 4 best new Linux distributions to watch in 2015, a MATE love story & an Arch victory.

Episode 74: Proprietary Exodus | LUP 74

January 07, 2015 04:37 - 1 hour - 32.9 MB

During a recent passionate speech Richard Stallman said users of proprietary software are victims, we’ll debate of that’s true & play other clips from his speech. Then we’ll look at the recent exodus of Mac developers, ponder if this a trend worth paying attention to & if Linux is ready to take advantage of it. Plus the pants debt comes due, your feedback & much more!

Episode 73: Predicting 2015 | LUP 73

December 31, 2014 03:10 - 1 hour - 47.5 MB

Our bold predictions for Linux & open source over 2015. Thought provoking, sometimes a bit inspired or maybe just plain wrong, this edition of Unplugged promises to entertain. Plus what goes into making a great & secure messaging system & more!

Episode 72: Best of LUP 2014 | LUP 72

December 23, 2014 19:59 - 1 hour - 44.2 MB

We look back on some of the rants and events of 2014. Wether it's systemd, mir, tox, ubuntu or anything else, we covered lots of major events this year!

Episode 71: Fedora Takes the Lead | LUP 71

December 17, 2014 04:01 - 1 hour - 41.6 MB

Our virtual LUG reviews Fedora 21 & why we’ve just witnessed one of the most ambitious transformation of any Linux distro of 2014. Plus Dustin Kirkland from Canonical answers if Ubuntu Snappy could be the future of the entire Ubuntu project & what’s coming soon from the Xonotic project.

Episode 70: Next Gen Fedora | LUP 70

December 10, 2014 06:23 - 1 hour - 34.1 MB

Fedora’s project lead joins us to discuss today’s Fedora 21 release, the possibility of the project switching to an Intel style Tick-Tock release & what Fedora 22 might look like. Plus what the Ubuntu Snappy Core announcement means, why it’s a big deal & why it could be amazing for the desktop one day. Then was 2014 the year Roku killed XMBC for us?

Episode 69: Perfect Linux Laptop | LUP 69

December 03, 2014 03:47 - 1 hour - 40.3 MB

The founder of Purism Librem 15, a laptop that promises to respect your freedom and be the perfect Linux machine joins us to discuss the hardware, software & goals of the project & how he hopes to encourage manufacturers to free the entire stack. But are the goals of this project too ambitions? We’ll ask! Plus CoreOS announces Rocket, a new Docker competitor that we’re very excited about & more!

Episode 68: Linux Powered Schools | LUP 68

November 26, 2014 01:37 - 1 hour - 39.1 MB

We’re joined by a classroom full of special guests, we talk with the students from Penn Manor School District, where they’ve given every high school student a Linux laptop & integrated the students into the help desk. We get the inside scope on the challenges, roadblocks & successes of this large desktop Linux deployment. Plus a preview of our upcoming interview with Mark Shuttleworth & his take on the recent criticism and exodus from Debian & getting started in a Linux career.

Episode 67: Debian Community Divided | LUP 67

November 19, 2014 02:31 - 1 hour - 30.7 MB

We recap the recent mini-exodus in the Debian project & discuss how the tone of discussion around systemd has had some terrible consequences. We follow that with some concrete ideas of what we can do to change that tone. Plus we take a stroll down fantasy lane and wave our magic wands and solve our top three Linux pain points, some great follow up & much more.

Episode 66: Firefox gets Unplugged | LUP 66

November 12, 2014 05:00 - 1 hour - 34.6 MB

The crew took the Firefox challenge & we follow up, we reflect on 10 years of Firefox, their early Linux support & the growing competition from Webkit. Gnome raised money to defend it’s Trademark from Groupon, which has quickly raised the white flag. Is this instant groundswell of support the dawn of a new community attitude towards Gnome? Plus an exciting first live on the show, tons of great feedback & more!

Episode 65: OpenSUSE Followup | LINUX Unplugged 65

November 05, 2014 03:03 - 1 hour - 37.5 MB

We follow up on our review of openSUSE 13.2 & discuss how life on the rolling side has been going for some of our LUG members. Plus the hardware box that promises to replace your password manager & we say goodbye to the Linux Outlaws.

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