Previous Episode: Episode 509: Displays

Welcome back to Season Five of Linking Our Libraries!

Check out our full show notes page here.

In this episode we will talk about a fun part of library service - Programs. And by “fun” we mean the traditional definition, but also hard, time-consuming, and exhausting. Programs are integral parts to good library service, so let’s chat about doing them well.

This week we have returning Guest Host Kate, from the Great River Regional Library System, to help us get some ideas!

We are big fans of library programs! Sure, every library has books - paper, audio, and ebook formats - and that’s great. People like them. We have databases, magazines, toys, and all sorts of cool materials. Also great. People like those too. We help people learn to use tablets, create resumes, print documents, find medical information. That’s great too - some  people like those services.

But then there is a big hole in the possibilities of what a library can be in a community. Programs provide that missing link of connecting everyone in the community to the library , to the materials, to the resources, and to the services we provide.