Be honest...

When did you last even look at your LinkedIn profile?
Do you still have skills on there from the job you did ten years ago?

Have you updated your headline in the last year?

How do you know what bits to update and what to leave alone?

Are you leaving money on the table because your ideal client skims through your profile, decides you are not for them, and moves on to someone else?

It is time to update your LinkedIn profile - from the headshot and headline, to the skills and experience section. I want you to go through the whole thing!

Recently a client of mine said that she was embarrassed by her profile on LinkedIn - so it was actually holding her back from posting any content as she didn't want anyone to look at her profile! Don't be that person.

If you don't know HOW to update your profile, I can help - if you want to do it yourself, check out my 'LinkedIn by Lunch' mini profile course right here

Maybe you would rather someone else just took it off your hands. Allow me to give you the profile you deserve.

Book your LinkedIn Profile Writing Service today