Building an online coaching business with Sara Moseley

Have you been thinking about moving your offline business online?

Or maybe you’re already selling online and would like to create an online course and start earning semi-passive income?

This week on the podcast, I interview Sara Moseley, who is an online business coach who helps people create scalable online products to bring more money into their business. Sara and I are both podcasters, and, as we found out during this interview, we both have previous experience working in sales. This led us to a lovely (and useful!) conversation about marketing online, about what you need to do to make it work, and to sell on social media by starting conversations, creating connections, and then converting sales offline. If you have an online business or are thinking of starting one, this is definitely an episode I recommend you listen to! 

You will learn…

How both selling and marketing require some key core skills – once you figure those out, you can create any business you want!  What holds people back when creating online courses (and online content more in general), and how you can overcome those blocks.  Why you should develop the confidence to create content ‘your way’ to start attracting the people you want to be working with.  

About Sara Moseley

If you’d like to connect with Sara, you can find her on her website, on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter

Sara’s podcast is called Mission: Build a Million Dollar Online Business

Get my help to build your personal brand on LinkedIn

If you’d like my help in creating your LinkedIn profile, check out my LinkedIn training and services on my Work with me page

I offer two types of LinkedIn profile reviews:

Get my feedback through a 20-minute video. Upgrade to an additional 30-minute Zoom call to go through my comments and ask me questions. 

If you want my help with your headline and profile, I also offer a done-for-you service where I write the About section of your profile for you.

And if you’d like more help on your LinkedIn strategy, you can work with me on a one-to-one strategy session

LinkedIn group coaching programme

In mid-November, I am launching my first-ever 4-week LinkedIn group coaching programme, where I teach you everything you need to know to use LinkedIn to build a network and make more sales in your business. Every week, you’ll receive a training video, and we’ll discuss the content on a Monday on a live Q&A call. I only have 10 places available on this course, so if you want to reserve your place, email me at [email protected]

More about me. 

If you enjoy the show, I’d be very grateful if you could share it with at least another person and leave me a review on iTunes. And if you haven’t subscribed yet, why not?

If you have any questions on this episode or on LinkedIn or would like to offer any feedback, I’d love for you to reach out. You can find me on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter

Also, come and join my Facebook group for podcast listeners, Social Beehive, where we chat about the topics I cover on the podcast, you can share your feedback, and get in touch about upcoming episodes. 

And if you want to find out more about how you can work with me or what events I am running in the future, head over to my website , keep an eye out on Eventbrite, or email me at [email protected]

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