Do you have a LinkedIn profile that you hardly ever use?
Or do you regularly post status updates on LinkedIn and start conversations with the prospective
customers and clients in your network?
As promised, from this week onwards, the show is going to focus more heavily on LinkedIn, and in
this episode, I share some tips on how you can start using the platform by engaging with other
people’s content and by creating your own updates and articles.
LinkedIn has the potential to help you raise your profile and establish yourself as an expert in your
field, but before you start commenting and sharing updates, you need your profile to be up-to-date
and set up correctly, so people in your network know exactly what you do and why they should
connect with you. If you do need some help setting your profile up, check out my LinkedIn services
on my Work with me page or scroll down for more information.
You will learn…
1. Why posting status updates and starting conversations on LinkedIn is important for you and
your business and how you can start to be more strategic and share updates on topics that
you’re an expert in.
2. Why LinkedIn are starting to recommend articles in their newsfeed and how this can benefit
you and your business.
3. Why you should be selective about the people you accept connection requests from and be
mindful of joining messaging/commenting threads.