... My Initial Sponsor lasted over 12 years. until I saw him go through some life changes that were inconsistent with what he was always sharing with me. I felt a bit lost , and betrayed -- because while I felt I was open and candid with him, once I recognized where his life was heading, I realized that I really didn't know this man this individual, and wondered why I was opening up to him, while not receiving the same open and honest candor from him. How long is a sponsor supposed to last? He and I had a face to face dsicussion - whence I determined that he was only sharing what he wanted me to see, or think about him and not the down and real him. OK Time for ME to move on!

Why not tune in to our Broadcast this coming Sunday and learn more about this topic OR any one that you may want to check out, as it relates to Recovery from Addicition. This is a LIVE Call in Talk show and is easily accessable on any computer or phone. Our call-in number is 323-580-5755 or check out our Website at www.road2recovery.club. Our program airs EVERY SUNDAY EVENING FROM 7 to 9 PM CST (Central Standard Time)

We are NOT Doctors, Counselors, or even Therapists, however we have lived a life that was torn and torturous - caught up in an addiction to ALCOHOL. Having broken free from my alcohol addiction, I learned that sharing my personal EXPERIENCE / STRENGTH & HOPE with others helps keep me on track / target in my continuing program of abstinence. Perhaps you can learn something perhaps not - however I know that by helping others "I" Stay on my path of Recovery and my life just keeps getting better and better. WHY NOT JOIN ME? The purpose of this show is to BRING RECOVERY OUT OF THE DARKNESS and Shine a light oin it for all of the Good things to be gotten by staying CLEAN & SOBER. Help is HERE IF YOU WANT IT!