...we Thank ALL Mother's for giving birth to us. Now some of us may have or have had resentments towards our mothers. I for one had many resentments towards this woman for innumerable reasons - all which I felt justified. However one of the many sayings in My program of Recovery included "Don't Sweat the SMALL Stuff AND it's ALL Small Stuff!"  I also have come to learn to forgive - and let go. I won't tell you I have let go of all of my thoughts and frustrations as they still exist in my mind/memory. However I try to understand what my Mother went through while she was raising me - and my 12 other siblings, while married to an ACTIVE Alcoholic, AND Maintaining her Religious convictions as a CATHOLIC. This SHOW may prove very interesting - you may want to tune it. My Mother may even join us as a Special Guest as well. TUNE IN Next Sunday May 8th, 2016 from 7 to 9 PM CST (Central Standard Time) as we begin our 5TH Year of The ROAD TO RECOVERY, offering our very own EXPERIENCE - STRENGTH & HOPE, while working program/s in Recovery. WE ARE HONEST - OPEN - CANDID. Faint of Heart individuals will even welcome our FRANKNESS.

This program is Specifically designed to Bring Recovery out of the Shadows - out of the Hidden depths of Back Alley Darkness and into the light - of EVERY DAY LIVING. Our Call in number is 323-580-5755 or find us on our Website - www.ROAD2RECOVERY.club and join us either by listening to our LIVE Show or even our Archived ReBroadcast here on Blogtalkradio. We are part of the Linked Local Network. Have a Great week unless you have other plans!