00:42 – Introducing today’s guest, Jefferson Lynch, who speaks to his background in business intelligence and some of the projects he’s been working on with predictive A.I.

08:40 – Trends Jefferson has observed in predictive A.I. and where he sees A.I. fitting into the business intelligence equation 

18:38 – Jefferson makes the case for utilizing intelligence automation over artificial intelligence and provides specific examples 

21:45 – Where Jefferson sees B.I. going in the next five years 

24:58 – Jefferson speaks to the impact Covid-19 has had on his company and how they have pivoted in these difficult economic times 


“I think what we’re starting to see is there’s a common way to go about tackling that kind of problem. And I think what’s left to happen is these more defined problems likely get encapsulated into the likes of a B.I. tool and to allow someone who isn’t necessarily an expert predictive modeler to adjust and set up that problem in that particular company.” (14:32)  

“A little anecdote if I could, there was someone who is the head of quite a large hedge fund who said to me, ‘What we’re aiming to be is more Iron Man than Terminator.’ What he was getting at is that actually to be really augmented, and enabled, and helped, but still to be wholly human as well, was his aspiration for them as a company.” (16:09)

“Lots of organizations have been taking advice on what their information and B.I. strategy should be. And, I think the general move continues to be towards the act of self-service.” (22:09)

“I think a potential benefit for its longer term, if this [Covid-19] all carries on, is I think maybe we’ve had a limiting belief, in a way, in that thinking we had to meet physically with an organization that we haven’t perhaps gone after businesses in other countries.” (28:41)


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