00:42 – Introducing today’s guest, Kate Wright, who speaks to her background in business intelligence and how Covid-19 has transformed her work with SAP Analytics Cloud 

08:44 – Kate shares SAP’s vision for business intelligence and the future of the intelligence enterprise 

13:09 – Kate explains SAP’s aggressive strategy in business intelligence, specifically developing a cloud-based analytics platform 

16:27 – Trends and changes Kate has observed in business intelligence 

19:11 – Kate provides her thoughts on the role of IT in augmented B.I., the emergence of predictive A.I. and where she sees B.I. going in the next five years 

24:29 – Kate looks back on what SAP could have done differently with their business intelligence strategy and what the future of augmented B.I. holds 


“Most of my career has been spent on business intelligence, and the last few years I’ve been focusing on SAP Analytics Cloud.” (02:36)

“The reason that SAP is focused on our message of the intelligence enterprise is because we believe – and I personally believe – that the future of enterprise applications has to be more intelligent than it is today.” (09:18)

“And when they think about analytics and they think about B.I., we want them to also start thinking about simulating, and forecasting, and correlations, and classifications. Because everyone is going to need B.I. The bread and butter is not changing anytime soon, but let’s start allowing people to do more. And that’s a big part of what we’re doing.” (11:59)  

“When I have dialogues with a CFO or a CRO – no matter what line of business you’re in – the need for information and the need to really understand what you can change, how you can change it, and have that transparency is top of their mind. And they are genuinely curious.” (18:05)

“I think our [SAP’s] strategy to double down on cloud, invest heavy in augmented analytics, bring those analytics domains together, continue to evolve the business intelligence platform, those have all been the right decisions. I just wish we had done that with a larger dialogue and a larger connection with some of our business objects customer community.” (25:28)


Limitless BI Website

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