If you are easily offended by misogynistic questions, or perhaps even if you aren't, you might want to skip this week's episode. It centers on the latest segment of "Your Body and You", in which T-Bone requests the development of a certain litmus test that probably doesn't involve acidity. Should it involve communication, or is that, as some of us suspect, a really bad idea? Maybe a measuring device of some sort? How does one deal with the stretching? Could you start with ping-pong balls, and then work your way up? Or is that another really bad idea? Does a girl want some kind of prosthesis? Like a puppet? Or fuzzy vice? Regardless of how important this may or may not be, send us your ideas for solving this problem by email ([email protected]). Theme music courtesy of General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners and Ipecac Recordings.