Does a word rhyme with itself? If you think you know the answer, ask yourself about the simple math. You heard me! This is actually a complicated issue. We're talking at least 13 different definitions, here. Remember Emily Dickinson, bitch? I know, it's weak sauce, but there's a chance Warren is technically right about something, for once. Astonished? I thought you might be. Anyway, to avoid dwelling on Warren's possible correctness, we "quickly" change the subject to a "Name 5 Things" segment, in which we attempt the reverse of our last "Name 5..." porn edition: Warren will name a porno title, and we have to derive the mainstream film that is analogous to it. It turns out this is a really tough exercise (in case you hadn't guessed from our episode title). Play the game along with us, and prove your superior reverse Porn Name 5 Things skills by sending us you answers by email ([email protected]). Theme music courtesy of General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners and Ipecac Recordings. URL: