Two things I know for sure in my years of being my own boss, of working with 100s of companies and 100's of people is this.

1, You do not have to wait to you are ready to make a big change in your life.

2, You most definitely do not have to wait until the people around you are ready.

Ready never really happens, think about a runner at the starting blocks, if they were asked if they are ready I'm sure a lot would say 'give me a minute' but they never get asked they get told and then BOOM a shot goes off and they take off running.

They make the move, ready or not because they feel they have to, the shock of the loud noise breaks the thinking pattern and they just do it.

What is it you feel you should do?

Let this Podcast be the loud noise you are waiting for.

I really appreciate everyone who listens in, please share this with anyone you think needs an extra push, it is a simple way you show you support them.

Thank you.