I get personal today on why I left the Evangelical stream of the faith, but also on why I am still a Christian and a pastor. We explore, historically, what an evangelical is, how fundamentalism took over and partnered itself as a political machine. So I share some of my points of departure, and then go on to share some points of consent, on why I am still in the Christian faith. I also share my vision for something different as a pastor and what I am up to in my neigborhood.

Time Stamps for this episode:

Time Stamps for the episode:

03:09 A Liminal Age

06:38 4 Characteristics of Evangelicals: 1. Biblicism

11:50 4 Characteristics: 2. Crucicentrism 3. Conversionism

16:55 4 Characteristics: 4. Activism

19:42 The Fundamentalist Shift

24:48 5 Pillars of Fundies: Inerrancy, Virgin Birth, Atonement

29:53 5 Pillars of Fundies: Bodily Resurrection, Historic Miracles

35:26 The Conservative Resurgence of the SBC

40:04 Points of Departure: Inerrancy = authoritarianism

45:32 Points of Departure: Evangelism = Theological Colonialism

49:51 Points of Departure: Hell is the central dogma

53:09 Points of Consent: Why I’m still Christian

58:51 Making Christianity huma again

1:03:09 Conclusions

All Music for this episode is provided by Axeltree

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All Music for this episode composed by Axeltree