Hello and welcome to the Like Dragons Did They Fight podcast channel! Today, Karen Broadhead, Director of Mothers Who Know, interviews Shay Taylor on her incredible projects and life! Check this same episode out on the Mothers Who Know Podcast Channel!


Shay will passionately , help and assist you to step beyond your triggers and unresolved traumas, to feeling whole, worthy, and create the life you desire.


Shay has learned to honor women of all cultures and beliefs as sisters.  


She is a popular women’s yoga teacher, facilitates a monthly Native American flute and drum circle, and loves backcountry adventuring and gardening.  


Shay is a mother to three active children, avid genealogist, generational healer, and sister to all.



Shay's Offerings!

The Asked For HealingA Retreat for *Mother’s & Their ChildrenJuly 20-22, 2023Paris, Idaho (Bear Lake area)*Specifically for women in struggling marriages, separated, going through divorce, or divorced. Wheel of Life Group CoachingOnline Tuesday’s 12-1pm MTBeginning March 14th (No class April 4th)Limited to 7 women who share a background in betrayal trauma due to a current and/or previous partner’s sex addiction.Total Cost: $111.00Registration closes March 7th.Grounding to Grow YogaMovement, Meditation, & Live MusicSomatic tools for self regulation and grounding from trauma and triggers.7 week course. Women only.Tuesdays beginning March 7th.Online: 6-7pm ( limited to 12 spots).In-Person (Kaysville, UT): 7:30-8:30pm (2 spots remaining )Total cost: $70Payment includes a 30 min 1-1 coaching session with Shay.Native American Flute Circle4th Thursday of each month 6:30-6:45pm66 W Center Street Bountiful, UTDrop-In: $13Join us this Thursday, February 23rd at 6:30pm for a special flute conversation drum circle facilitated by board certified music therapist, Courtney Fanello!The Asked For CoachingI am a certified trauma informed life coach through the ICF with a focus on betrayal trauma. I would love to partner with you in your healing journey to step beyond the hidden road blocks of trauma and start creating the life you desire to live!

For the next few months while I am working towards my ICF accreditation, I will be offering 50 minute coaching sessions 1-1, at a discounted price using a sliding scale of $40-$60, honoring what each person feels best about paying. I would love to partner with you in your healing journey to step beyond the triggers and trauma and start creating the life you desire to live!

What is your next step in your healing journey? If interested in any of my above offerings DM me on FB or IG@shaytaylorhealing or email: [email protected]#icfcertifiedlifecoach#traumainformedcoach #betrayaltrauma #wheeloflife #traumainformedyoga #groundingtogrowyoga #creation #co-createwithGod #co-regulation #somatichealing #askedforhealingretreat #askedforcoachingWheel of Life Group Coaching  For women who share a background in betrayal trauma due to a current and/or previous partner's sex addiction.  6 WeeksOnline Tuesday’s 12-1pm MTBeginning March 14th (No class April 4th)Group is limited to 7 women.  Registration closes March 7th.Registration includes:1-1 coaching session (50 minutes) with Shay prior to the start of class on March 14th. I will partner with you to create a personalized wheel representing your life and the specific 6 areas of your life you would like to focus on as we inquire into the broader topics together as a group each week.  6 group coaching sessions. Each week we will dive into one of six broader life topics that form your wheel.-Physical  -Mental-Emotional  -Spiritual-Financial/ Career-Relational/ SocialFind clarity as you step into the center of your wheel & practice seeing you as whole and worthy- right now in the way life currently presents itself - with the triggers, with the trauma.  Navigate through and step beyond the limiting beliefs, road blocks, or trauma that may be keeping you from fully seeing and bravely living the life you desire.  I will be opening space through inquiry for sharing, laughing and crying together - with the ultimate goal being inviting healing, growth, and forward movement in the areas you desire and ways you choose to create.Total cost: $111.00Payment plan available upon request.

I am a certified trauma informed life coach through the ICF with a focus on betrayal trauma. I would love to partner with you to step beyond the hidden roadblocks of trauma in your life and start creating the life you desire to live!  

To register email: [email protected]



It could be you! Come check us out, and see if this is the time for you to enlist. Come join those who are finding the great power that comes from using your agency to choose action, commitment, and increased faith!  If you would like to submit any feedback or if you have benefitted from these principles please visit our Email at [email protected]

Sons of Helaman is a program for young men struggling with self mastery issues where they learn technics and principles to help them combat the influence of the adversary. For more information please visit https://lifechangingservices.online/sonsofhelaman/

The Mothers Who Know Program is  a Christ-centered team of mothers who provide support, connection, training, and hope when your children battle pornography or other challenging issues. For more information please visit https://motherswhoknow.org/

For more information about Eternal Warriors, visit our website at eternalwarriorstraining.org/

If you would like to take a careful look at the training handbook for Eternal Warriors training system, you are invited to download, for FREE, the eBook, "Like Dragons Did They Fight" at likedragonsfree.com