Who ‘drives’ your ‘ship’? Who determines your everyday thoughts, words, and actions? Who is at your 'helm'*?


In Doctrine and Covenants 123:16, we are told that “a very large ship is benefitted very much by a very small helm in the time of a storm…” When life gets stormy, can you guide your ship confidently and feel peaceful about the way your words and actions line up with what you truly value? Or in moments of stress or difficulty, do you sometimes speak or act in ways that you later regret? 


In today’s podcast, we hear Karen, Marquelle, and Kelly discuss how a coach or mentor can help you recognize very small actions that you can take that will make a big difference in how you show up in life, how you 'steer your ship', and in how you feel afterwards!  Our skilled coaches have been through the learning process, and can give timely warnings and needed encouragement when the going gets rough. 


A few verses earlier in the same section, D&C 123:13 reminds us that it’s vital that we spend our time “bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness”, and to attend to them with “great earnestness.” Our Eternal Warriors coaches can help you see those things in the dark corners of your life that you may not even be aware of - thoughts and beliefs that hold you back - and can help you replace them with greater light and truth. How would it feel to respond to challenging situations with more grace and wisdom, and with less regret afterwards? 

We invite you to consider working with a coach and see just how much simpler it is to make the needed changes with the help of someone who is invested in your success. Having a coach who has been there, who has been successful in making the changes and is helping others to do so can make your progress much quicker and more permanent!

Listen in - and then call and schedule a complimentary consultation. It could be just the thing that leads to a whole lot of smooth sailing in your life!


*Helm: The instrument by which a ship is steered, consisting of a rudder, a tiller, and in large vessels, a wheel. (Webster's 1828)


It could be you! Come check us out, and see if this is the time for you to enlist. Come join those who are finding the great power that comes from using your agency to choose action, commitment, and increased faith!  If you would like to submit any feedback or if you have benefitted from these principles please visit our Email at [email protected]

Sons of Helaman is a program for young men struggling with self mastery issues where they learn technics and principles to help them combat the influence of the adversary. For more information please visit https://lifechangingservices.online/sonsofhelaman/

The Mothers Who Know Program is  a Christ-centered team of mothers who provide support, connection, training, and hope when your children battle pornography or other challenging issues. For more information please visit https://motherswhoknow.org/

For more information about Eternal Warriors, visit our website at eternalwarriorstraining.org/

If you would like to take a careful look at the training handbook for Eternal Warriors training system, you are invited to download, for FREE, the eBook, "Like Dragons Did They Fight" at likedragonsfree.com