So here we go... Truth time lol

You can't practice the "Law of Attraction". You can't get "better" at the Law of Attraction. You can't become or learn how to be a "better attractor"...

We are focusing on the wrong thing, and it's because just like with everything else inside of the collective unconscious... It has tried. to sell you something. Secrets, Tricks, Gurus, .. All in an attempt to help you become "successful" at "practicing" the Law Of Attraction.. The Ego Self LOVES THIS... Because it is another thing that it can convince you of, that you need to be "better" at. The powerful awakening comes when you truly let your higher self of KNOWING into the equation. YOU can't "practice" what they are calling "The Law Of Attraction.

It is happening each and every single fraction of a second that you are aware of what you are aware of. And when you shift your focus and realize that this energetic exchange seems to be a vibrational constant in our earthly and Universal reality of life... another powerful realization can come into view... If it is always working.. and I don't have to get better at it... What has to happen? It is obviously a much more complicated answer that most can't actually articulate ... But the simple version is this:: Reality is designed to bring you what you focus on.. So the Universal answer that can shift everything for you... Isn't how to practice what you are already the absolute best in the Universe at to get better.

The question is How can I shift my attention from what I've been focusing on.... and allow myself to focus on things that I actually want to be, have and do??? And then... When I finally do that.. When I finally start to allow myself to imagine a world and a life different than the one that I suffered through and unconsciously created.... How do I stop feeling icky about it.. Like I don't belong in that world that I'm imagining ... How do I trust and feel worthy.. And that is the work... Realizing that you don't have to "work" on being your highest self.. you are that... congrats : ).


We have to work on the illusion that was created before you realized your true self.. and your true nature.. That shift of energy... from lower vibration or consciousness... To a " higher".. (NOT BETTER... JUST HIGHER) vibration of consciousness is why you are here.. YOU are the alchemist of your reality.. and YOU get to transmute that energy on your journey if you choose.. And also probably get some cool stuff and some awesome people in your life as a result ..


Much Love Pat If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :)

It truly does help the show!!

Much Love Pat

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