There are some incredibly interesting things happening in most of our world right now ... I really do have the privilege to talk with so many of you and the synchronicity in which I see this energy play out through our conversations is amazing ..  We just finished up the energy cycle dissection and healing series of episodes .. and one thing came through pretty clear .. That there is a certain calm and " pleasantly " exciting part of our loops where we are healing.. manifesting.. observing and feeling grateful .... and then ......  There comes the storm.... The final boss of energy is beginning to hover over many of us in a way that is designed to cause confusion .. questions and doubt in a MAJOR way as to how all of this works... It really is the Job story from the bible you may be familiar with ...  It may seem that it is all being taken from you.. or about to be taken from you...  You don't know how ... but you feel it...   This is the part where we really need to link arms... take deep breaths and believe in this ... believe in yourself... in the work you've done to heal and align and feel good... to give and to receive positive energy and raise your frequency and that of all you come into contact with ...  In past loops this is where you would have fallen apart .. In past loops this is where it would have come unraveled ... But in this loop... You are aware and conscious of the game .... Trusting and doing the same incredible things you've been doing when it seems as though there is no way out or no point .. is the evidence this Universe is looking for to know that you are truly worthy and believe you are ready to align to that next level frequency .. in that timeline and in that reality ... The one you have been working and healing to create .... Don't lose it now ... NOW is when we need to TRUST fully ....  SO SO MUCH LOVE TO YOU TODAY !!!!