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Self realization... The awakening from one aspect of your self as a separate, fear based, limited anxiety ridden character, to the most powerful, loving and expansive expression of the one SELF of consciousness.... That's you... That's who you are. 

The reason we don't allow this to be what we express, is because we are unconsciously running our sense of "self" as a program. A program that contains all of our experiences, judgments, and beliefs. 

Your life and reality is showing you a reflection of this "self" so that you can become aware of who you are allowing yourself to be..  Typically through suffering we begin to ask the "WHY" question... Why are these things happening..  On the other side of that question is the answer ... Because it is who you believe you are.. what you feel you deserve.. or how you think the world works..   You are here to realize your SELF in a new way.. without all of those programs running on a loop.. You are here to allow yourself to show your SELF that you are more powerful than any program of ego..  It only requires your permission, and bravery to LOVE your SELF in all ways... 

Today we dive in deeper than ever, and talk about the journey towards loving your SELF in a way that we have never done before..

Join me inside !!!


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 Much Love





YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

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Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:






 New Human Agreement- https://youtu.be/jLeVAr6pG-8

Law Of Hypnotic Rhythm - https://youtu.be/ZZdxr7S3aCA

How We Initially Unconsciously Create Our Reality- https://youtu.be/eyjBOkhj9Ho

DMT/NDE - https://youtu.be/GwP9lsU2tvE