Thank you Maggie Plaza for inspiring this episode !!!!   Our conversation got me thinking.... ( See what I did there :) ...    For most of my life I have classified myself and labeled myself as an over thinker ... Someone who essentially would run from the present moment or situation.. relationship or responsibility because I was so in my head about what was happening .. why it was happening .. and if I was going to be O.K.... and if I didn't' think I was going to be O.K.... I would have to think about all of the ways I was going to have to "act" like I was O.K..   It was really challenging and disruptive. It was also something I never thought that I would be able to evolve beyond .. I'm here to tell you that it's possible.. and that on the other side of the over thinking mind.. exists the freedom from the story that has you running in circles .. Dive in with me today as we meet the Overthinker "head" on....  MUCH LOVE TODAY !!