It was pretty obvious to me after a while what was happening .... I was putting out so much energy in my days and working working working and stressing... trying to outrun the story I had that said I was never going to amount to anything .. and that things were going to be always difficult for me .. Life was a struggle and you have to outlast and outshine.... The problem was that I was never allowing the energy I was using to create all of this in my life to be replenished... I mean how could I ???  If I stop nothing gets done... If I stop the narrative in my head gets LOUDER .... Not enough.. work more .. you can't rest what's wrong with you.. .Get out of BED !....   Without recovery this pace can only last in the physical or emotional world for so long ..  Which will lessen the energy you are able to put out towards the creations or the maintenance of them... and they will fall....  The entropy of that loop will be shown and you will be eventually left with just YOU.... and YOU.... This is where we start to ask the valuable questions ...  What do I even like??? let a lone love ...  How did we get here... and is there a way out... This begins the conscious evolution or "Dark Night Of The Soul" experience we have when we view our past versions and the energy they put out ... and also what we were putting the energy into ... Today we talk about how to shift and evolve that energetic recovery both as we are facing the Dark Night Of The Soul.... and also as we emerge from it ... MUCH LOVE TODAY !!