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Todays show we dive into the real reason that so many of us have a hard time flowing with the unfolding of our lives.. If most of us were to actually honestly answer the question "Why are we so tense and fearful all of the time?.. We would see that there is a deep level of judgment, self doubt, mixed with a lack of trust in something beyond their understanding to help guide them in the directions they are "intending to go".

All of this is experienced through the lens of a persons "self perception" ... Today we talk about how removing the judgment of ourselves and others is a powerful key to releasing resistance and accessing a state of being that is in the FLOW of life and our intentions and no longer fighting against it.

Join me inside !!!


If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


 Much Love





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💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:
