~If there was one thing that I've been able to consistently and with predictable results create and use for myself in this journey .. It is best described by the title of today's episode! lol  The contradictions inside of the human experience that says that we have to sacrifice who we are as an aligned heart and soul conscious being in order to make it in... or fit into the world that is representing valuing things that time after time after time are shown to be almost meaningless to the misaligned human that thought it would find completion in the receiving or achieving of these things or experiences ....  We are all now waking up to the New Revolution ..   The New Revolution will be that of consciousness and it will not be fought with guns or ammunition The outcome will be determined by how well we align and believe in ourselves as unique expressions of this universe in every moment ..  and from this place ... over time the energy from old versions of conscious humans existing at that frequency will entropy and we will create a new filter for that energy to have to move through as we continue to choose love... and choose ourselves progressively enough that we experience a new world.. a new reality...  It is already happening and you are sent here to be a part of it and help move the energy forward... It starts by releasing the external expectation from your initial permission to feel good.... Focus on the moment and feeling good in it... and from there you too will evolve ...   Don't fear this process.... As all of the systems that were created by super intelligent versions of old consciousness are exposed for the flaws that existed as they were created during that period  ... The light of new conscious humans is what is creating the energetic disturbances that are breaking the systems themselves up in our reality Now .... New humans aligned at this higher frequency will fill all of the spots we need to keep new systems we create in place and to better manage the existing systems that do serve humanity currently ... ~ And from there we will continue to evolve forward ..  I believe towards Love, Connection, and Unity ....    MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!    Likeattractslike11.com