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No matter where you are in the process of your personal development or spiritual path.. I believe you can find some value inside of todays conversation.

Today I share with you the process.... Start to finish of how we got here... and what we need to do to shift from a place of "motivated" action... (Which I believe is trying to find value and worth in the world but denying that we possess it until the point where we "find it " in the world... Only to find that it is empty ).. To a place of inspired action... Which is the full realization in your moment that your journey begins within... Period.. end of story always will always has been an internal journey... And to the degree that you believe that or have allowed that ... it was reflected back to you in your world.. and to the degree that you would allow yourself to ask deeper questions within... That will be the degree of blame and judgment you hold for the "world" .. or now we understand .. The Mirror...   It is a reflection of you... always 

So now what ... Well that is what we dive into today... How do we realize where we are? how to we allow ourselves to trust what's next.. How do we allow this shift from motivation to inspiration...  

See you inside !!!!!!  

        If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!! Much Love  Pat    

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Pat's Top Consciousness Resources!!   https://www.likeattractslikeevolution.com/resources

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New Human Agreement- https://youtu.be/jLeVAr6pG-8

Law Of Hypnotic Rhythm - https://youtu.be/ZZdxr7S3aCA

How We Initially Unconsciously Create Our Reality- https://youtu.be/eyjBOkhj9Ho

DMT/NDE - https://youtu.be/GwP9lsU2tvE

Neale Donald Walsch Interview- https://youtu.be/NT9RqZJL9Zk