We made it !! lol    300 episodes and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you who that the time out of your day to spend with me. Today I wanted to take a quick moment and not only share my gratitude with all of you .. But also to address why I feel we all are doing this... In this journey or process of healing our past.. raising awareness and consciousness.. Why are we even taking the time and investing the energy towards making changes when it seems so easy to just stay where we are ...   I outlined a few things that mean the most to me .. and these are the things that I scripted over a decade ago... and I live these things every day as a result of the very things we talk about on this show... For this it will always be my "WHY" when I think about what the point of all of this is ...  It is always worth it .. YOU are always worth it ... and we are on our way ... Thank you again from the bottom of my heart ! MUCH LOVE TODAY !!  Likeattractslike11.com