If You could remove your " bad " memories.. would you ?  If you could forget that person.. forget that mistake... would you?  The instant answer to that question in most cases is a resounding "YES"!!!    Of course I would!  This is killing me... or This is so annoying !! ...    But dive deeper...  would you REALLY remove it.. What questions come up when you think of your life without it.. without that memory.. experience .. or attachment to "suffering" ..  Who Would You Be.??  What would you be??  What would your potential to "Be More"... look like...?  Would you be left in the same loop....??? To repeat what lessons are meant for your evolution ...  When we deny the pain trying to come up or through us... We attempt to forget it.. or we distract ourselves from it...  But the energy pain stamp doesn't " Go Away "... it exists still inside of you unconsciously .., and it makes us re experience it by creating it in our world or reality again... until we address it and heal it...  The Only Way I Out... Is Through ..     Much Love Today !!!  Likeattractslike11.com