Many times we are told that when we need to make a change in our life physically or from a spiritual or self improvement point of view, that we need to act the part ... to act as if it were already happening.. or that we already are that thing we want ..  This is really incredible guidance for sure.. and it can help you as you make choices that evolve you towards your highest purpose... There is however another level to this that can protect you from something that tends to happen when we " act as if "....  Sometimes when we act a part ... even if it is in the spirit of trying to better ourselves ... We risk the ego jumping in after we create it and sabotaging it from the inside out... It does this by trying to convince you that you don't deserve this new thing... relationship... or position because " you never were it .. you were just acting "...

   Allow yourself to BE IT... while you are learning it... Become it progressively every step of the way ... while embodying the behaviors of what you feel that version of you would do... Never acting or going through the motions... but a genuine and authentic expression of who you best feel that version of you would be .. and also HOW they would be in the moment you are in.... Doing this for long enough will override the momentum of the middle ground you may be existing in ... and help you feel more aligned with the experience you create once it manifests !  MUCH LOVE TODAY !!