So are we in a dream....  So many humans before us have described this reality and our experience consciously as a dream...  If that is the case even in the slightest way or similarity ... Then What happens when we lay down and enter into what we all agree is a dream.. When our body is on auto pilot ...  Where do we go.. What is happening...  It seems to have similar characteristics to DMT or Ayahuasca experiences .. Leaving our bodies and having a conscious awareness of somewhere else in space or time... and in some extreme cases no sense of self or time at all....  just an infinite knowing of awareness...  but aware of nothing...  How is it similar to what has been described as a Near Death Experience ,.. or NDE..  Consciousness leaving the body and traveling someplace else ... with a sense of an all knowing something near or with it... Whether this is happening in the brain and is a construct of chemical firing and wiring .. or whether we are actually always conscious of some type of dream world reality that we can interact with ,... It seems there is a theme.. and today we dive in deep to Higher Conscious Experiencing.. Connecting the Dots..   MUCH LOVE TODAY !!