The concept of the Law of Attraction and how it works in our world.. or If it works in this world is something that is becoming more mainstream.. More accepted in some cases.. but also presented in a way that can keep many humans from allowing it to be a force in their lives.. It took me quite a while to lessen the resistance to the "magical" "mystical" blanket that these methods and principals were being packaged as...  And while I do feel there are amazing energetic things happening behind the scenes that humans or science hasn't YET been able to describe or uncover.. I feel that given some time they will be able to describe the forces at play... and I feel that it is all very tangible and accessible to us.. On a more mystical note... I feel that humans have been trying to explain how  we can access it for thousands of years.. It wasn't until I had several higher consciousness experiences and insight as to what I  felt was really happening that I was able to apply it and REALLY see and feel what is taking place .. with US... Humans.. and the Universe or world that we live in... There IS a communication happening between us and the world we live in... and if we can allow ourselves to separate from the marketing labels it has been given... you can see the actual magic at play in every moment.. Much Love Today !!